Get Test Ethers using Selenium

Harry Wang
Feb 24, 2022


I need some test ethers for Rinkeby and found out that the faucet is not working (I also don’t like that you have to tweet to get the ethers):

Then, I found, which gives 0.1 testing ether for each address per day:

I wrote a program to control the browser (via Selenium) to get test ethers and scheduled the program to run every 24 hours using AWS EC2. Now, I am getting some test ethers automatically every day :).

The code repo can be accessed here.

I use this program to illustrate the followings:

  • - Automate browsers using Selenium and avoid being detected as a bot
  • - Use .env to manage environment variables
  • - Send emails using SendGrid
  • - Schedule scripts using crontab
  • - Deploy scheduled Selenium tasks on AWS EC2 instances


